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Opinions MoodVizr

Do you want to know the public's opinion about your product or brand, capture PR headlines that will grab attention or simply answer a burning question within your business?

If so, look no further than Opinions MoodVizr. Using our Opinions MoodVizr approach we can create bespoke public opinion projects for you, ensuring you get quality insights with a statistically robust sample. Alternatively, you can avail of our monthly online omnibus solution which provides you with a fast and more cost-effective way to get the answers you are looking for.

Interviewer asking someone for opinion
We offer an omnibus solution in both the Republic of Ireland and the UK. Our ROI omnibus runs on a monthly basis amongst a nationally representative sample of n=1,000 adults aged 18+, while in the UK it runs throughout the month and we offer sample sizes of both n=1,000 and n=2,000 adults aged 18+.

As standard, our omnibus solution collects a wide range of background information on respondents and their households, including demographics and their living situation.

No matter the option you choose we’ll work closely with you and your team to create a questionnaire that will provide you with quality results in a speedy manner.

Cheerful young woman screaming into Megaphone

If you want to learn more about the Opinions MoodVizr, please get in touch with us.

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If you'd like to find out more about Opinions or if we can help you with your business or research challenges, please get in touch.