The AgriOpinions Community is a research panel created by Agriland and Opinions, a leading Irish market research agency.

The purpose of this community is to give a voice to people like you in the farming community in Ireland. As a member of this community, you will be invited to take part in regular short surveys and in return, you will receive a monetary incentive up to the value of €10 per survey for your time and contribution.

Of course, you are not under any obligation to participate, but your contribution will always be appreciated


In a swiftly evolving agricultural landscape, a specialised panel of Irish farmers is essential. Our platform offers a direct voice for the Irish primary producer.

By signing up to the AgriOpinions and completing surveys you will…..

  • Receive a reward to your account for every survey you complete.
  • Get discounts off relevant products and services from our partners.
  •  Ensure sure the voice of rural Ireland and the farming community is heard.

Every survey or poll will be conducted by Opinions and your data will be treated in strictest confidence. All responses will be anonymous unless you give specific permission at the end of a survey for your data to be shared.  However, this is rarely requested and by default, your data will be anonymised and treated in confidence in line with prevailing GDPR regulations.

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